I am enclosing a photograph of some of the boys of the above regiment (sadly not printed ), who eagerly look forward to the mail day, not only for letters from home, but to have a look at the good old Bromley Times. It always contains a plentiful supply of news of good old Bromley and district. I have seen and read numerous letters from your “Own Contingent,” so will not bother you with a repetition of the already received news. There is one bit of news that will be acceptable, that is with regard to the battalion on “Kitchener’s Test.” This test took place on the 25th to 27th January, and I think I am safe in saying that never before has this Battalion had such a trying time. We left barracks at about 8 o’clock on Tuesday 25th, and marched to Baragaon, a village eight and a half miles out. At this junction we left our transport to unload, as it had been decided that Baragaon would make the best camping place. The remainder of the Battalion marched for another two miles and entrenched themselves, and took up an outpost position. One Company was left in charge, and the other three Companies marched back to the camp. Nest day, Wednesday, 26th, reveille sounded at five o’clock and we were on the march at 7.15. We marched for a matter of fifteen miles, skirmishing for about two miles across country, firing at targets got up for the purpose with ball ammunition. This time our camp was pitched just off a village named Pali-Pihari. We were just about eighteen miles from our camp of the previous day, so you will note that we were not spared so far as marching was concerned. Thursday 27th, the third and last day of the test, was also a hard day. Reveille sounded at 5.30 am and we were on the road again at 7 o’clock and marched about three miles, and then struck across country for a mile and did four hours’ pick and shovel work, known in the Army as trenching. After this we fought our way back to Jhansi, where we arrived at 3.45 pm, and had a well-earned rest.
I think this little bit of news will be quite fresh to you, and trust I am not wasting your time by writing.